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Trainer Insight

10 mins warmup

Block 1: 22 mins

For this block, pick either the strength option on the left hand side or pick the urban legend option on the right hand side. Complete on of those two options. When done, use the remaining time to get as many rounds as possible of the AMRAP below.

Block 2: 20 mins

This block is a 2:00 EMOM that you will repeat for 10 rounds. The first minute of every round, you will complete 1:00 of your choice of any aerobic equipment at 70% output. The following minute you will follow the number of exercises based on the given round. For example round 1 complete 10-20 reps of K to B/leg raises and round 2 complete 12-15 high rows. After round 5, you will restart the 5 exercises over for the final 5 rounds.

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